Bleach Renji : highly skilled combatant in swordsmanship techniques

Master Swordsmanship Specialist: Renji is a highly skilled combatant in swordsmanship techniques. He was trained by 3rd Seat of the 11th Division Ikkaku Madarame when he was a member of that division.Renji is able to hold his own against captain-level fighters. Renji is also the only current lieutenant to develop enough skill to attain Bankai.
  • Whip Mastery: What makes Renji so effective is the unique method in which his Zanpakutō works, in the fact that his Zanpakutō is more of an amalgamation of a whip and a sword. Renji is versatile because of this, and to effectively wield it is a testament to his skill. Renji has stated that his Zanpakutō is an extension of his body both his arms and legs and to that point he has used it in a variety of ways. He can use its extension ability to attack an opponent from behind or either the left or right without giving away the variation of his attack until it is too late. He has shown considerable skill in using his extension capabilities to entrap an opponent by surrounding him from various angles and then retracting in order to crush the opponent.
Shunpo Expert: Knowing that Zabimaru's Shikai attacks leave him open for counter-attacks, Renji has become highly proficient at Shunpo to compensate for it. Renji can even keep up with captain-level Shinigami for an indeterminate amount of time. He knows enough to be informed on their higher level techniques.
Kidō Practitioner: As a student at the Shinō Academy Renji showed poor skill in Kidō. He is skilled enough in the use of the level 31 Shakkahō spell that he can fire it without much trouble half of the time but in other instances it has exploded. Renji also has enough knowledge of Kidō to manipulate it for purposes other than fighting, such as using Shakkahō as a light in one of the dark corridors of Las Noches. However, he is only able to create a small light without chanting.

Enhanced Strength: When he swings Zabimaru toward Ichigo in their second fight he is able to easily toss him into the air, and subsequently push him through an entire building about a dozen meters away, with relative ease.During the fight with Szayel Aporro's unique Fracción, Renji protects Uryū from a direct punch by one of the stronger Arrancar using both hands, and throws him aside.Later, by spinning Zabimaru above his head, Renji is able to cause enough force to generate a whirlwind, blowing all of Szayel's Fracción several yards despite their massive size. Szayel commented that he was using "brute force."

Enhanced Durability: During his fight with Byakuya, he is hit directly by every blade from SenbonzakuraKageyoshi, and when he continues to fight he is pierced by five more blades. Even after such terrible damage he makes a last ditch effort attack, almost piercing Byakuya with Zabimaru, and finally falls defeated.
High Spiritual Power: Being a lieutenant of the Gotei 13, Renji already had a high spiritual energy. Upon learning Bankai, this power increased on a scale from 5-10. Rukia even comments after feeling his defeat that it was so high, she could not recognize it until it decreased which caused it to become more familiar to her.


Zabimaru's Shikai state.

  • Shikai: Zabimaru's Shikai command is "Howl" (咆えろ, hoero; "Roar" in the English dub). In its Shikai, Zabimaru transforms into an even longer 6-part segmented blade; each segment is wider than the one preceding it from the hilt with 2 pick-like protrusions on the front and back of each segment, with the ones on the front much longer than the ones at the back. Zabimaru's segments grow in number almost without limit. The segments are connected by a stretchable thread, making Zabimaru more useful as a whip than an actual sword, though it can serve as a regular sword just as easily, thanks to Renji's swordsmanship. Zabimaru's guard and handle remain the same in its Shikai release. While Zabimaru can be stretched to incredible lengths in its whip form, Renji has a limit of three consecutive attacks before having to bring the segments of Zabimaru back together for recovery - which makes him fairly vulnerable during the time interval. To make up for this, Renji usually relies on Shunpo for evasion as he retrieves Zabimaru's segments.Renji's Shikai, while durable to an extent, can ultimately sustain serious damage the longer the fight drags on. While it can withstand dangerously prolonged combat, it has limits in enduring high-level attacks that are conducted by either the enemy or by Renji himself. Because of these many drawbacks, Renji states that out of all the other Zanpakutō wielded by the other lieutenants, Zabimaru is the most difficult to master.
Shikai Special Ability: Zabimaru has a special technique rarely used known as:
  • Higa Zekkō (狒牙絶咬, Bite of a Broken Baboon's Fang; Viz "Baboon Fang Bite"): Renji can also use his spiritual power to take the disconnected/broken segments of Zabimaru and levitate them into the air, allowing him to execute a one-shot omnidirectional attack, but states that it is damaging to Zabimaru and leaves Renji defenseless.Byakuya later comments that using this technique will prevent him from reactivating his Shikai for an unspecified duration.

Hihiō Zabimaru
  • Bankai: Hihiō Zabimaru (狒狒王蛇尾丸, Baboon King Snake Tail; Viz "Baboon King"): transforms Zabimaru into a massive version of its Shikai form resembling a skeleton of a snake. Zabimaru gains many more segments, which are much larger resembling a mix between a snake’s vertebral column and the pick-like protrusions of his Shikai segments, and it also gains a snake-like head about the size of a small car. Renji is also slightly transformed, gaining a fur cowl around his neck. The cowl appears to be the fur of an ape and thus, the ape's skull could be seen over Renji's left shoulder while the rest of the fur extends to cover his right arm. Zabimaru itself, in Bankai form, does not literally "cut;" Renji usually catches his opponent with the snake-head of his weapon and smashes his opponent into the ground with it. The head has also proven capable of inflicting heavy damage through biting.
Bankai Special Ability: Zabimaru also gains special techniques when in Bankai form such as:
  • Bankai Reconstitution: Unlike its Shikai, Zabimaru's segments are held together by Renji's spiritual power, allowing him to separate and reattach them at will.The segments themselves are extremely tough, making it extremely difficult to destroy Hihiō Zabimaru. Even if a segment is damaged, knocked off, or even destroyed, Renji can simply detach it and reform (or reconstitute) Zabimaru.
Hikōtsu Taihō
  • Hikōtsu Taihō (狒骨大砲, Baboon Bone Cannon): The technique fires a dense blast of concentrated spiritual energy from Zabimaru's mouth. The technique costs a substantial amount of energy from Renji which usually causes an aftermath that breaks the segments out of formation.
  • Enhanced Higa Zekkō: He can also use a much more powerful version of Higa Zekkō, where all the segments detach, glow and sharpen using spiritual energy. They surround the opponent and execute an omni-directional attack of blades of spiritual energy. After use of this attack Hihiō Zabimaru reconstitutes itself.
Renji using reiatsu ropes on Yammy.
  • Reiatsu ropes: Renji can separate his Bankai segments and use them to surround his opponent. By linking the segments together again with his reiatsu, Renji is able to bind the target. He uses this technique on Yammy Llargo, but it is easily destroyed by him.  
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Bleach Renji : Renji has ranked relatively high in the Shōnen Jump

Renji has ranked relatively high in the Shōnen Jump popularity votes, once making 3rd place citation needed and once 4th place,More recently, he is no longer in the top 10, being displaced in favor of newer characters such as Grimmjow Jeagerjaques and Ulquiorra Cifer. IGN called Renji's debut into the anime "stylish and cool" and added that the short battle between Ichigo and Renji was "nicely done," noting that from the moment he was introduced, his style and weapon made him a character " want to see more of."

They later added in another review about Renji's change in character saying: "...It's nice to see a nicer Renji compared to the jerkish character we were introduced to. Renji's determination to save Rukia is admirable; really makes him a much more likeable character..."By the end of the Soul Society arc, Renji was "still cocky, but we've at least gotten to see that he has weaknesses just like everyone else," having "totally changed since he attacked Ichigo in the very first season."

also praised Renji's development in the story praising Tite Kubo's way of telling his background making the readers change their ideas of the character.Wally Wingert, Renji's English voice actor, has found Renji to be the "coolest" part of the series he could ever had, having liked his design and skills. He also liked his development in the series, such as his relation with Rukia.

Source : wikipedia

Bleach Renji : baboons with the tail of the snake

Bleach Renji about as unique as any other Shinigami. This range is a neat and confident of his first impressions are very upset after the big defeats, but shows a very serious and determined fighter when confronted with a real problem. Fight, kill and die for what he believed, stand in his way before that Bleach Renji is a dangerous man. It is easy for a Captain Vice Bankai's.

Many fans thought that the most powerful position Bleach Captain Vice-captain, and the spirit of society, but this time the fact that he won the battle, lost a large number, are mutually exclusive. Ichigo Kurosaki is much like two brothers, anime Bount arc deceived friends. Ichigo insists that he was so very happy situations that occur in later comments, including unusual hair color, it is easy to want to keep.

Bleach Renji continues to deceive the series titled Red pineapple, red hair in a ponytail, like pineapple home stores. There yardzakman Las Noches, Bleach Renji with the Red Pineapple with a shirt, "" pineapple April means "Mr. printed allegedly bought Ichigo Kurosaki is a joke as well. In a filler arc before, Shinigami Cup Draw parts.

Shikai Bleach Renji Zabimaru and spirit.
Animals expressing the form *: Toru (Japan) Furusawa, Vic Mignogna (English)
* The Spirit is manifested in: Saiga Mitsuki Sanada and aces

zanpakutō Bleach Renji Zabimaru, Zabimaru (baboons with the tail of the snake) is a new opportunity, hence the name. Zabimaru mind of a man of love and proud to fight with such a picture is Bleach Renji. This is a snake and a talking baboon, although usually more effective in baboons. "Real Presence» Zabimaru, baboons takes the form of a woman and a serpent child.

Shikai command Zabimaru "scream" or another English translations.In each situation, to look at the edge of the departments will be closed from "Scream". Elastic topics related real srov Zabimaru useful disaster in parts. And the sticks can be extended Zabimaru incredible length, Bleach Renji units before the border of three consecutive attacks Zabimaru removed. Bleach Renji various spiritual sphere, and with his rival, who shot the ball attack Higa zekkō Hihio Zabimaru (Bleach Renji Bankai), which may be involved in the implementation of power over.

Shikai Bankai Zabimaru Hihio Zabimaru and the skeleton of a snake turned into a giant version. Bleach Renji Shikai Zabimaru of spiritual strength to keep them together, which is different, and they bring you. Even if a part is damaged, Bleach Renji can simply remove and Zabimaru improvement. Own Zabimaru, Bankai does not actually "cut", usually Bleach Renji opponent with the head of the snake, killed it and the gun fell to the ground with his opponent.

Zabimaru specialized technique known as Taihe hikōtsu victory. Bleach Renji Bankai to use it. Methods in dense blast of spiritual energy in his mouth fire Zabimaru. Higa also very strong, which is divided into sections, and all the sand spiritual energy can zekkō.

Bleach Renji : Zabimaru mind of a man of love and proud

Bleach Renji Rukongai, Inuzuri in 78 communities and many other children are grown. Soul Society come here just to help each other search for their families. After stealing a jug of water a day, Bleach Renji and his friends go Cupid adult control. Rukia and stumbled Bleach Renji group called for adults to follow him to lose water. Rukia joined their team and lived together as a family.

Inuzuri and hatred to all people. Bleach Renji Rukia spiritual power, is happy because he did not. Group after ten years, all his friends are dead Rukia's hands, Shinigami, in accordance with the proposed Bleach Renji. She was very gifted with spiritual forces, Sina, who fought to prove his worth easily Academy of noble families entered.

Academy welcomes new students to the night sleeping in a tree, Bleach Renji, hands, despite the opposing views. The next morning, he fell into a tree and stone tomb, where prayer was surprised landed on Izuru Kira. According to one of the most points in the test, Bleach Renji Izuru and Hinamori Momo introduced from the upper class.Hisagi Bleach Renji helps protect.

Two months after joining the academy, Bleach Renji Rukia scolded, not contained in, and that training for the first time consolidation occurs in the human world. Travel Shuhei Hisagi, and Kanisawa Aoga when he taught Bleach Renji Shuhei, head of the mission was able to recognize. Izuru Hisagi says well-known and talented students. Bleach Renji, Izuru, and Momo was the same group.

If Momo joined them, Bleach Renji Izuru started as a welcomed and that their feelings should not be allowed to show so easily. Although the human world, Bleach Renji is much easier than it was thought that integration is mentioned. He never lost control of the nervous Izuru and beat him. During the trip, Shuhei, the team has big holes, which attacked and killed Kanisawa Aoga called for an end. Shuhei orderly retreat, and he remained in a concave game.

The second largest cave appeared, and Momo was asked why he ran. Dent Bleach Renji Momo said that only two high school students have been killed this year. If Momo Shuhei Bleach Renji, Izuru follow, and fell back into the hall to help block the second attack. If a large cavity was found the fifth section, Captain Sosuke Eisenach and the lieutenant, who survived the arrival of Ichimaru. As Momo thought, because it will always be as strong as Eisenach and Ichimaru, Bleach Renji laughed at the idea and insisted that the owners and employees of the monsters.
Bleach Renji and hands in the days of his academy.

After the capital, Bleach Renji and Rukia ran to tell her to find. But when he discovered, Shinigami Kuchiki Byakuya inclusive. As we were leaving, he Bleach Renji Byakuya government, who asked her who she saw. Bleach Renji asked what they wanted, and his hands met the family if he Kuchiki, research should be immediately authorized by 13 divisions. Rukia thanked him and walked away. Bleach Renji Rukia said to myself that finally realized that the family should stay on it. The left hand Bleach Renji Byakuya defeated efforts to train every day, but he can win once.

summer bus training at the academy and 13 Gotei, where he first served as a division under 5 Eisenach joined with Izuru and Momo. Bleach Renji rebels, however, moved to the 11 th Division reached rank 6 places. During his stay in Division 11, he Ikkaku Madarame, who showed that he was stronger than friendship Byakuya Kuchiki. Ikkaku Bleach Renji how to fight and taught Bleach Renji was aware that Ikkaku Bankai, and requested that he use it to train Bleach Renji.

Mid-April, Momo and Izuru Bleach Renji hands Kuchiki family four years after the passage of the letter, 6 Department should be encouraged to become a lieutenant presented. Momo formal speech, which he published many unsettled. Ikkaku said that he is now one step closer to Byakuya, and he strongly for forty years, but now the lieutenant on the type of relationship will be based on the share back.

Izuru said Bleach Renji hand remains in the human mission in the afternoon. , Bleach Renji called Momo told her a month before the official of the company will wait until later when he returned July 19, Byakuya it.On Interestingly, the arrest Bleach Renji Rukia and sent back to the spirit of our society.